Killer Kung Pao Read online

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  For Lisa,

  Thank you—to the moon and back.


  Thank you always to the following people:

  My terrific agent, Gail Fortune, without whom I’d be lost; my amazing editor, Nettie Finn, who is invested in this journey as much as I am. I am so looking forward to the adventures ahead of us. To the fabulous Kayla Janas, Allison Ziegler, and Mary Ann Lasher, who make this series continue to shine; and to my publisher, St. Martin’s Paperbacks, for having continual faith in my writing abilities. Your support and dedication to this series have been paramount. I am beyond fortunate to have such a wonderful team.

  To Sisters in Crime, both locally and nationally, for all you provide to women in the mystery genre. And to the Crime Writers of Color for helping so many who felt misplaced finally feel like they have a home and a voice.

  To my dad, Paul Corrao, who never stops believing in me; my mother, Chin Mei Chien, and my sister, Shu-Hui Wills. To the late Effie Corrao who I continue to miss on a daily basis. They have all in their own ways guided me through this wacky thing called life. I wouldn’t be the person I am today without their influence and guidance.

  To my amazing friends and family who keep the cheerleading and positivity flowing. I can’t thank you enough.

  To my readers, whose enthusiasm and encouragement to keep this series going mean more to me than words can express.

  And lastly, but certainly never least, to Hannah Braaten. It was my great privilege to work with you as we watched this series develop and grow from those first shaky pages to completed manuscripts. Not only do I thank you, but Lana thanks you as well. You will be missed among the plaza of Asia Village and all its crazy characters.



  “Lana Lee, you’re the only person in this world who would choose to dye their hair gray,” my sister, Anna May said, scrutinizing the photo of a sassy model with the hair color I wanted for myself. I had been carrying the picture around in my purse for inspiration. “Are you sure this is a good idea?”

  “First of all, it’s not just any gray,” I replied, grabbing the photo out of her hand. “It’s gunmetal gray. And second, of course it’s a good idea. It’s gonna be my best hair yet.” I ran a hand through my pink peekaboo highlights. The color was beginning to fade, and I was tired of keeping up with one of the weakest colors in the rainbow.

  “I don’t know why you can’t just leave your hair alone. You’ve been on this bizarre hair-dyeing kick for a while now. Don’t you want to give it a rest before you damage your follicles any further?” Anna May, who was slightly older and much more reserved than me, tucked a lock of smooth, glossy black hair behind her ear, exposing a dainty pearl-drop earring. Her typical hair length was always just a little past her shoulders, except on the rare occasions when she broke out a curling iron.

  Everything about Anna May was classic. Her makeup was forever neutral and appeared almost nonexistent. Her nails were either cherry red or French manicured—never anything besides the traditional white tip. And her style of dress often reminded me of things you might find in Jackie O’s closet. But it worked for her, and I would begrudgingly agree that my sister was a beautiful woman.

  I, however, was the total opposite and staunchly refused to look anything like her. As previously mentioned, I like to mix up my hair color, and lately have been experimenting with more unnatural hues. My nails are whatever shade I feel fits my mood or the season, and my makeup … well, I own every color of eye shadow that exists. As they say, variety is the spice of life, and I like a vibrant life.

  I waved her concern away with the folded-up photo before stuffing it back into my purse. I wasn’t going to let her sensibilities rain on my parade. After all, it was my favorite time of day: five p.m. on a Friday, and I was getting ready to leave work, where I’m the manager of my family’s Chinese restaurant, Ho-Lee Noodle House.

  Was it my lifelong dream to end up working for my parents and to leave work smelling like sweet and sour sauce on a daily basis? No. But it was actually working out pretty well despite my original protests. Turns out that I like to be in charge of things. Even better, I was good at it.

  But it was now the end of the workweek, and after a long five days of managing the daily functions of the noodle shop and dealing with the public I was thrilled for the weekend to begin. The next morning, I would be pampering myself at the salon, Asian Accents, and my stylist, Jasmine Ming, was as excited as I was to be dyeing my hair this stunning shade of gray.

  So even though I wouldn’t be on the clock tomorrow, I would still be headed to Asia Village, since both Asian Accents and the Ho-Lee Noodle House are under the same Asian-inspired roof. Located in the quaint suburb of Fairview Park, the Asian shopping center is about twenty-five minutes away from Downtown Cleveland. If it’s me driving though, I can make it in about seventeen. But don’t tell my boyfriend—he’s a cop.

  The enclosed plaza has everything you could think of under its sky-lit roof. In one fell swoop, you can get your hair done, purchase books by your favorite authors, grocery shop, have dinner, update your cosmetic collection, enjoy a doughnut or three, and even sing some karaoke, if it tickled your fancy. I haven’t even mentioned the fact that you can also stock up on tea cakes, or find the perfect supplements and herbs to compliment your new healthy lifestyle. After all, you might need something to counter all the doughy goodness you purchased from Shanghai Donuts.

  Our family’s noodle shop has been at the plaza since before I was born, and I’d spent more time within those four walls than I’d care to admit.

  Anna May had in recent months taken an internship at a prominent law firm in Cleveland—Andrews, Filbert, Childs & Associates—so her ability to lend a hand at the restaurant had become extremely limited. But since our evening helper and resident teenage thorn in my side, Vanessa Wen, was currently out with the stomach flu, Anna May had agreed to give up her Friday evening to help out. There’s nothing worse than a twelve-hour workday in my book.

  “Seriously, Lana, how long are you going to maintain this lifestyle? You’re twenty-eight years old now—and before you know it, you’re going to be thirty—and you don’t take care of yourself at all. Things don’t get easier as you age, trust me. You eat horribly, you don’t work out, and you’re not even trying to look like an adult.”

  I swear that I tried to withhold my eye roll, but sometimes it just happens without me realizing it. This is what my sister is best at. Lecturing me. Even though she is a measly three years older than me, she acts like she’s about ten. And she has all this “worldly” wisdom to pass down to her incapable younger sister. Lucky me. “I don’t see what my hair has to do with any of this.”

  “It’s a gateway, Lana. You’re not taking life seriously, and it’s showing in your hair.”

  I gaped. “That is the most ridiculous statement I have ever heard in my life.”

  “You refu
se to grow up.” She folded her arms over her chest and lifted her chin. “I think this new rebellion says it all.”

  “New rebellion?” I snorted. “Me dyeing my hair is not a rebellion. And I think I’m doing pretty well considering. I mean, after all, I am running this restaurant. And doing a bang-up job, I might add.”

  “Henry says—”

  I held up a hand. “Henry says? So, is your new love interest the reason why you’re giving me this lecture? Unbelievable.”

  Anna May had recently started “casually dating” one of the partners at her fancy law firm, which I was pretty sure wasn’t the best idea, but did that stop her? Of course not. My sister often found justification in her own actions because she considered herself to be the most level-headed person on the planet.

  She held her head even higher. “Henry says that personal presentation is everything. You are your own representative, Lana. Do you want people to view you as this immature, young woman who constantly chooses to go against the grain of society?”

  I started to dig in my purse for my car keys. She was just getting on top of her soap box, and I had plans to meet Adam for happy hour at the Zodiac, a local bar where my best friend and roommate, Megan Riley, bartended. I didn’t want to give up any more of my personal time listening to this drivel.

  Anna May continued spouting at the mouth while I tuned her out. I heard something about how I would have never fit into the lifestyle I had previously hoped to have for myself. And maybe she was right. A year ago, I’d daydreamed of being a glamorous businesswoman with a corner office and enough high-powered suits to overflow a walk-in closet. But that fantasy had died the minute I walked out of my previous job. After all, you can take your boss flinging papers in your face only so many times before you have to say enough is enough.

  “I’m going now,” I said, talking over her rant. “Adam is waiting for me at the Zodiac.”

  “Oh, don’t even get me started on how you’re always wasting your time at that stupid bar.” Anna May uncrossed her arms, and put her hands on her hips, mimicking our mother’s lecturing stance. “I hope you don’t have a drinking problem on top of everything else.”

  I let out a deep groan and flung my purse over my shoulder. “Thanks for helping out tonight,” I said, unwilling to dignify her statement with a response—much less a justification. “I’ll talk to you later. Call me if there’s an emergency.”

  I started to walk out of the restaurant, dropping my usual shuffling steps and taking the long strides that I normally reserved for high heels. I’d manage to keep my cool and not engage in a screaming match with my sister as I’d been well known to do. And she said I wasn’t mature. Ha.

  But my swagger was quickly ruined because just as I was about to exit the restaurant, Ian Sung, property manager to Asia Village, was walking in and blocked my exit. Damn. So close to freedom.

  “Lana.” Ian, who was impeccably dressed in a navy blue Italian suit and polished light brown dress shoes, gave me a once-over. “Are you on your way out for the day? There’s something I wanted to discuss with you.”

  “Can we walk and talk?” I asked him. “I’m running late for an appointment.”

  Anna May snorted behind me.

  Ian’s eyes shifted to my sister, and he regarded her with a stiff smile.

  He didn’t seem to like Anna May very much, but I had no idea why. I wish I could say the same for myself, but unfortunately Ian held a torch for a relationship between us that was never going to happen. It wasn’t that Ian’s a bad guy or anything, but there was something about him that I couldn’t quite put my finger on that rubbed me the wrong way. Despite my mother’s extreme interest in making him my boyfriend, I couldn’t view him in that light.

  Ian nodded in agreement and held out his hand, signaling for me to lead the way.

  I turned to glare at my sister one final time before leaving. So long, maturity.

  Once we were outside the restaurant, Ian cleared his throat, loosening the tie at his neck. “So, I was hoping to discuss the end of summer sidewalk sale with you. Of course, it will be a longer discussion than what we can have on the way to the plaza exit, so maybe we could get together on Monday morning to have a real conversation. Perhaps we could grab some coffee and breakfast at Shanghai Donuts?”

  I watched him from the corner of my eye, as I kept making my way toward the exit. Clever move, asking to meet up at one of my favorite Asia Village establishments. The only thing better he could have said was for me to meet him at the Modern Scroll, the plaza’s bookshop.

  “I suppose I could ask Nancy to come in an hour early on Monday morning. I couldn’t meet you until ten o’clock though.” Nancy Huang was our only full-time waitress, and Peter’s mom. Peter was the head chef at our restaurant and fell into the guy best-friend category.

  “That will work out perfectly.” Ian replied. “I’ll see you then.”

  “But why me?” I asked.

  “What do you mean?”

  “I mean, why me? Aren’t the particulars of the sidewalk sale something you should discuss with the entire board of directors for the plaza and not just me?” Okay, I was part of that board, but still, I was only one member. Why did he always have to single me out?

  “Lana, I think you know the answer to that.”

  I cringed. I could guess, that’s for sure.

  “You’re the only person on the entire committee that I trust implicitly. I know that you want to get things done just as much as I do, and I don’t have to worry when I know you’re involved with something.”

  “Wait, involved?” I blanched slightly, suddenly worried that this sidewalk sale might be taking up more of my time than I’d planned for. “What do you mean involved?”

  “Well, we can discuss all of that at our meeting on Monday morning,” he said, suddenly in a rush to get out of our conversation. As we had reached the main entrance, he stepped in front of me. “Allow me to get the door.”

  As he opened the door with a big smile, we turned just in time to see a dark gray Nissan abruptly back out of one of the employee parking spots and slam into a brand-new, white Cadillac sedan. I jerked back as the two vehicles collided and the sounds of metal scraping against metal caused my teeth to clench.

  Ian stepped out on to the sidewalk in front of me, and I followed quickly behind him.

  “Hey, doesn’t that Nissan belong to June Yi?” I asked, pointing to the gray car.

  He held a hand up to his head and massaged his temple with his thumb. “Ugh, of course it does.”



  June Yi, co-owner of Yi’s Tea and Bakery, is known for her unshakeable ability to be difficult at all times. And as Ian and I neared the car accident, both of us knew without exchanging a word that this wasn’t going to go well.

  As we approached, the door to the Cadillac whipped open, and Mildred—Millie—Mao stumbled out of the sedan. She held a hand to the side of her neck and cringed in pain.

  Had there been a debonair way to gasp, I’m sure that Ian wouldn’t have been able to help himself. Instead, his hand shot up to loosen his tie again—it seemed to be a nervous habit of his.

  If there was anybody who could equal how horrid June Yi was to deal with, it was Millie Mao. Millie was a mahjong player who frequently participated in tournaments against the plaza’s four cherished widows, the Mahjong Matrons. Though she could be hard to handle at times, she brought a lot of business to the plaza and spent just as much herself, so naturally Ian treated her like royalty.

  June swung the door to her Nissan open and launched herself out of the driver’s seat to inspect the damage to the back end of her car. “Are you crazy?” she yelled to Millie. “Did you not see me backing out of my parking space?”

  Mille hobbled around the open driver-side door of her luxury car and rubbed the side of her neck. “Backing out? Who backs out with the gas pedal all the way to the floor? You are the crazy one, June Yi! Besides, I have the right of way. You hit me
on purpose!”

  “Ha!” June wagged a finger at Millie. “You are always blaming people for your carelessness! You should have been watching where you were going.”

  Ian stepped up to the women, his tie almost completely undone at this point. “Ladies, ladies, let’s calm down, shall we? Is everyone okay? That’s our main priority.”

  I stayed a few feet behind Ian. None of this was really my business, but Millie’s Cadillac was blocking in my car so it wasn’t like I could exactly leave at the moment.

  “I am fine,” June spat out. “But look at my bumper!”

  “Your bumper?” Millie shouted. “Your bumper? Look at the front of my car! It’s ruined. And my neck hurts. I think I have whiplash. Did you slam on the gas to get out of your parking spot or what?”

  My eyes were struggling not to roll into the back of my head.

  Ian held up his hands, gesturing for the women to calm down. “The damage doesn’t appear to be too bad. Perhaps you should swap insurance information so both of you can be on your way.”

  Millie had already pulled her cell phone out of her purse and began dialing. “I’m calling the police. We are filing a report. No one is moving from this spot until a policeman shows up.”

  “Good, then it will be on record that it’s your fault.” June replied, her lips twisting in a satisfied grin. “They can see for themselves what a reckless driver you are.”

  Millie narrowed her eyes before turning her back to all of us.

  June realized I was standing behind Ian and turned to acknowledge me. “Lana Lee, what are you doing here? Snooping about as usual?”

  My jaw instantly clenched. June and I didn’t have the best track record. Not that she was ever that pleasant of a person, but she had been especially nasty to me since I began working at the noodle shop. Some of her hostility was partially due to the fact that when the original property manager, Thomas Feng, was murdered, she automatically assumed that my family and I were up to no good. She’d also had it out for Peter at the time, believing we’d all been in on it together. Never mind that none of us had anything to do with Thomas’s death whatsoever.